Dateianhang ''
Herunterladen 1 #Name: Change Filament At Z
2 #Info: Pause the print at a certain height, move to a specified parking location, disable extruder stepper
3 #Help: ChangeFilamentAtZ
4 #Depend: GCode
5 #Type: postprocess
6 #Param: targetZ(float:5.0) Z height to pause at (mm)
7 #Param: parkX(float:190) Head park X (mm)
8 #Param: parkY(float:190) Head park Y (mm)
9 #Param: parkZ(float:150) Head park Z (mm)
10 #Param: retractAmount(float:5) Retraction amount (mm)
12 ## Written by Steven Morlock,
13 ## This script is licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution - Share Alike (CC BY-SA) terms
15 import re
17 def getValue(line, key, default = None):
18 if not key in line or (';' in line and line.find(key) > line.find(';')):
19 return default
20 subPart = line[line.find(key) + 1:]
21 m ='^[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*', subPart)
22 if m == None:
23 return default
24 try:
25 return float(
26 except:
27 return default
29 with open(filename, "r") as f:
30 lines = f.readlines()
32 z = 0
33 x = 0
34 y = 0
35 pauseState = 0
36 with open(filename, "w") as f:
37 for line in lines:
38 if getValue(line, 'G', None) == 1 or getValue(line, 'G', None) == 0:
39 newZ = getValue(line, 'Z', z)
40 x = getValue(line, 'X', x)
41 y = getValue(line, 'Y', y)
42 if newZ != z:
43 z = newZ
44 if z < targetZ and pauseState == 0:
45 pauseState = 1
46 if z >= targetZ and pauseState == 1:
47 pauseState = 2
48 f.write("; Plugin: start ChangeFilamentAtZ\n")
49 # Retract
50 f.write("M83\n") # Set E codes relative while in Absolute Coordinates (G90)
51 f.write("G1 E-%f F6000\n" % (retractAmount))
52 # Move the head to specified location
53 f.write("G1 X%f Y%f Z%f F9000\n" % (parkX, parkY, parkZ))
54 # Disable extruder stepper
55 f.write("M84 E\n")
56 # Wait until the user continues printing
57 f.write("M0\n")
58 # Move the head back to printing location
59 f.write("G28 X0 Y0")
60 f.write("G1 X0 Y0 F1500")
61 f.write("G1 E10 F500")
62 f.write("G1 X%f Y%f F9000\n" % (x, y))
63 f.write("G1 E0 F6000\n")
64 f.write("G1 F9000\n")
65 f.write("M82\n") # Set E codes absolute (default)
66 f.write("; Plugin: end ChangeFilamentAtZ\n")
67 f.write(line)
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